Korean War Headhunter Reunion 4 October 2014
Some Korean Ward buddies held a mini-reunion in Louisiana over the weekend of 4 October 2014. Media coverage of the event centered on Lt Gen Hughes' relationship to President Nixon. Excerpt follows:
Lt. Gen. James D. "Don" Hughes remembers well how Richard Nixon spent Election Day 1960 when he lost the presidency by a razor-thin margin to John F. Kennedy.Hughes, 92, visited Acadiana over the weekend for a reunion with Korean War comrades. Headhunters all from left, Col. Jim Davenport from Apple Valley, California; Maj. Bob Swartz, Tempe, Arizona; former Air Force pilot Neil O'Keefe of Lafayette; and Lt. Gen. Don Hughes, Potomac Falls, Virginia. (Photo: Ken Stickney, The Daily Advertiser ).
Hughes ... had served as a military aide to Vice President Nixon in the late 1950s,...
Hughes was not surprised when Nixon, as president, called him back to White House service after winning the presidency in 1968. Hughes stayed on staff as a military adviser for three years, but, forced to choose retirement if he did not return to military duty, he returned to the Air Force in 1972, before the tumult of Watergate.
Read the rest of this story: http://www.theadvertiser.com/story/news/local/2014/10/05/general-recalls-close-ties-nixon-friend/16787049/
More Pictures of the reunion: