Robert "Bob" Hull
Robert Avery ‘Bob’ Hull
On 1/16/2017 3:29 PM, wrote:
To: 80th Fighter Squadron Headhunters
I wanted to inform you that my Father, Major Robert A. Hull, passed away in September 2015. A link to his obituary is attached from the Cortez Journal (Cortez, Colorado).
Based on the material that I have, it looks like he was stationed in Japan in 1949-1950 and flew from a base there to Korea during the Korean conflict. He was always very proud of his USAF service and to have been a member of the 80th Headhunters Squadron.
I have his personal belongings from Colorado and have been going through everything since his passing. I some military items that I have come upon from his time in the USAF and Japan including two yearbooks, his USAF uniform jacket, a few medals, a several aerial and ground recon photos, a Korean map, and other misc. items (see attached photos). If there is any interest in any of these items, I would like to donate them.
Thank you and my contact information is below.
Joe Hull
Dear Joe,
Although I did not know your father, I'm sure many Association members will. Please accept the condolences of the entire Headhunter Association.
We will gladly accept his personal items to add to our Association's memorial collection of historical artifacts. I will put you in touch with our Historian in a separate email.
Thank you for your kind offer.
James W. Ritter
80FS Headhunters