A toast


We recently lost one of our own with the passing of Joseph Neil O’Keefe. He passed on 17 June of this year at the age of 99. An excerpt from his obituary reads “At age 18, Neil enlisted in the United States Army and was assigned to the Army Air Corp where he trained to fly the legendary P-51 fighter plane and the F-80, the first jet fighter. He flew 101 combat missions in the Korean Conflict and served his country with honor, pride and dignity.” That about sums up what it is to be part of the greatest fighter squadrons in history. Words from his son were that one of the things he cherished most was the camaraderie and had kept close ties all these years with a few of his squadron mates.

Attached is a link to a piece that was done on him prior to his passing and is well worth the read. He like many of his generation have quite the story. We wish you tail winds and fair sky’s Sir, may you rest in peace.


Link address: https://www.theadvertiser.com/story/life/people/2014/09/27/acadiana-people-lafayette-man-saw-birth-jet-age/16352143/


Words From the Kun..Brunigans bar rises from the ashes


Words From the kun!